Alexander F. Rødseth
Software developer and open source enthusiast.
Stack Exchange
My 12 most popular projects on GitHub
- algernon - web server with support for Markdown, Lua, PostgreSQL and more, written in Go, >2.2k stars
- permissions2 - middleware for keeping track of users, login states and permissions using Redis, written in Go, >450 stars
- wallutils - utilities for handling monitors, resolutions and wallapers, written in Go and C, >260 stars
- sdl2-examples - examples for getting started with SDL2 for 20 different programming languages, >200 stars
- png2svg - convert small PNG images to SVG Tiny 1.2, written in Go, >190 stars
- o - the editor and IDE that I use on a daily basis, written in Go, >150 stars
- gendesk - generate desktop shortcuts, written in Go, >90 stars
- cxx - a build system for C++, written in Python, >80 stars
- permissionbolt - middleware for keeping track of users, login states and permissions using BoltDB, written in Go, >80 stars
- battlestar - a programming language that is a different take on Assembly, written in Go, > 70 stars
- simplebolt - accessible way to use the Bolt database, written in Go, >60 stars
- go2cpp - Go to C++20 transpiler, >50 stars
Arch Linux
I’m an Arch Linux package maintainer (“TU”). Here are the packages I maintain:
I’ve contributed small patches that have been accepted into these projects:
Projects that are packaged by other Linux-distros, BSD’s or macOS/Homebrew

orbiton - text editor and IDE for VT100

This web page was written in Orbiton.
Badges and trophies